Andrew Fuller on Sermon Preparation and Notes

Below, I have enumerated some of Andrew Fuller’s (1754-1815) observations about sermon preparation and sermon notes from his letter on “The Composition of a Sermon.” Do not overload your memory with words. Write down a

But if I Preach Christ in Every Text …

After teaching preaching for almost a decade at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, some questions and objections appear every semester like clockwork when I begin to lecture on expository preaching and propose the following definition:

Can Busyness be a Key to Christian Spirituality?

Could it be that what is inhibiting your spiritual devotion and growth is that you are not busy enough? It is a strange sounding question, I know. Most of the Christian spirituality authors focus almost

Every Sermon Should be On a Gospel Errand

After preaching for over 20 years and teaching preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for close to 10 years, I have observed that many sermons fall flat because they lack a cohesive unity of