Preacher, Feeling Good is Overrated

“Feeling good is overrated.” Those were the words of a sports psychologist speaking to a group of athletes. He was explaining that focusing on feeling good to perform well is problematic for any athlete. Occasionally,

Preacher, Stop Talking about God

Is preaching merely talking about God or there something more? Dr. David Prince helps us see that preaching is participating in God's own preaching.

The Preaching of the Risen Christ: The Apostles and Us

Apostolic preaching is the application of what Jesus taught his apostles about preaching. Willem VanGemeren writes, “First, the sermons and speeches show that the preaching of the apostles is in continuity with the teaching of

Every Sermon Should be On a Gospel Errand

After preaching for over 20 years and teaching preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for close to 10 years, I have observed that many sermons fall flat because they lack a cohesive unity of

Where Does Preaching Fit Into the Life of the Church?

Recently, David Prince sat down with Dr. Russell Moore, President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention to talk preaching. With Pastor Jeremy Haskins moderating the discussion, Drs. Prince and Moore discussed

How Should Pastors Deal with Politics in the Pulpit?

Recently, David Prince sat down with Dr. Russell Moore, President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention to talk preaching. With Pastor Jeremy Haskins moderating the discussion, Drs. Prince and Moore discussed