Preacher, Feeling Good is Overrated

“Feeling good is overrated.” Those were the words of a sports psychologist speaking to a group of athletes. He was explaining that focusing on feeling good to perform well is problematic for any athlete. Occasionally,

The Missing Ingredient in “Expository” Preaching

The following is a guest post by Andrew Hebert, the lead pastor of Taylor Memorial Baptist Church in Hobbs, New Mexico. You can follow him on Twitter at @andrewhebert86.   I’ve always considered myself to be

Should Expository Preaching Edify or Evangelize?

Almost eleven years ago, when I became the pastor at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church, a well-meaning church member came to me with a request, “When you are going to preach an evangelistic sermon, will you

Preaching Christ and Counterfeits

Christ-centered expository preaching is more than pinning John 3:16 to the tail of the sermon. It is also more than a weekly theological treatise that speaks eloquently of the glories of Jesus Christ but lacks