Friendship and Gospel-Fueled Justice
Casey McCall writes on the necessity for friends in the fight for gospel-fueled justice.
Casey McCall writes on the necessity for friends in the fight for gospel-fueled justice.
Casey McCall writes about a man who used his influence in training young pastors to fight for racial justice.
This part three in the series on Real Historical Heroes for Racial Justice
This is the second post in a series by Casey McCall. Here he highlights C.H. Spurgeon's heroic stand against racial injustice.
Pastor Casey McCall begins a series profiling real heroes that fought for racial justice.
Pastor Casey McCall responds to Shane Morris' recent article on the real reason baptistic evangelicals don't baptize their children.
VBS saved my life. I don’t necessarily remember if the theme was “Submerged” or “Journey” or “Fun in the Jungle” or something else. I don’t remember what the decorations looked like. I vaguely remember snack
Smith, James K.A. You Are What You Love. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2016. 210 pp. How do people change? What motivates people to live the way that they do? What is the best way to
[The following review was written by Casey McCall, Pastor of Students and Discipleship at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church] Whitney, Donald S. Family Worship. Wheaton: Crossway, 2016. Donald Whitney has earned a reputation as a first-rate
[The following is a guest post by Casey McCall, Pastor of Students and Discipleship at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington, KY] A few years ago when Facebook first came out, I was a little