Around the Horn (May 19)


The Least Of These

Steve Berman powerfully reflects on a past weekend ministering to inmates at a local prison. “There is only one hope for these kids–these men–who have value, dreams, plans, and largely wasted intellect. That hope is the saving power of love. God is love. We all know that verse, but it’s really only half the verse. 1 John 4:8 reads “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.””

There Is No Place for Regret

Tim Challies shares a gem from A.W. Tozer on regret. “Regret may be no more than a form of self-love. A man may have such a high regard for himself that any failure to live up to his own image of himself disappoints him deeply.”

8 Reasons to Preach Through Books of the Bible

“While there’s no need to be dogmatic about this kind of sermon delivery, and while I think taking time for short topical sermon series or strategic “stand-alone” messages can be good and helpful, I do think it is generally wise for a pastor not just to preach expositionally, but to preach expositionally through entire books of the Bible. I think every preacher ought to endeavor to feed his flock this way. And here are eight reasons why…”

By |May 19th, 2016|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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