Put on Thanksgiving (Colossians 3:15-17)

Are you thankful or are you entitled? Listen as Pastor David Prince calls us to fight for an attitude of thanksgiving so that we might have the fuel required to live for Christ in the world.

A Privileged People (Hebrews 1:1-4)

We are often disgusted by ungrateful people we encounter. But how often do we treat God in the same way? Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us how privileged we are and calls us to live out the discipline of thankfulness.

Jesus and His Unbreakable Word (John 10:30-42)

Many in our day would have us separate Jesus from the rest of the Bible. Listen as Pastor David Prince confronts this way of thinking and exhorts us to look at the Bible the way Jesus looked at the Bible.

Now This is Life! (John 6:25-59)

Why are you seeking Jesus? Listen as Pastor David Prince exhorts us to make sure we are not seeking Jesus for the gifts he gives, but rather for a relationship with Jesus.