Courage & Motherhood (Luke 1:39-55)
Motherhood is a glorious calling and a terrible idol. Listen as Pastor David Prince warns mothers about the cultural expectations placed on them and how to rightly view and live out their calling as moms.
Motherhood is a glorious calling and a terrible idol. Listen as Pastor David Prince warns mothers about the cultural expectations placed on them and how to rightly view and live out their calling as moms.
Everyone makes decisions in the present based on their vision of the future. Too often, that future is only 24 hours away. Listen as Pastor David Prince exhorts us from Revelation 12 to expand our vision of the future and how when we do so, courage is a natural by-product.
What is the Church and how should the Church function? Listen as Pastor David explores Paul's address to the Ephesian elders and church and how Gospel Courage is the foundation of the Church's mission.
Many desire to have the benefits of Christ's Kingdom without being subjects of Christ's Kingdom. Listen Pastor David Prince shows us that only way to receive the benefits of the Kingdom is by courageously fearing God and not man.
How can you sing the Lord's song in a foreign land? This was not just the question in Daniel's time, but one many are asking today. Listen as Pastor David Prince shares the key to living for the glory of God in the midst of a culture that does not recognize Him.
Is courage innate? Are some people just born that way? Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us that courage can be cultivated and that the key ingredient is thankfulness.