Around the Horn (May 23)

Pastors Can Lead Well by Preaching Well "Because of the expectations to lead . . . it’s tempting for the pastor to spend far too much time in organizational strategy and far too little preparing

By |May 22nd, 2024|Around the Horn, Blog|Comments Off on Around the Horn (May 23)

Around the Horn (May 16)

The Importance of Self-Leadership "Both historical and contemporary sources place a high value on this work of leading ourselves well. Consider Charles Spurgeon’s observation on this point: “We are, in a certain sense, our own

By |May 16th, 2024|Around the Horn, Blog|Comments Off on Around the Horn (May 16)

Justification by Faith Alone—Works

After over 25 years of pastoral ministry shepherding people through the problems and challenges they face, there are a few things that I’ve noticed that have stood the test of time.  The problem someone brings

By |May 13th, 2024|Blog, Featured|Comments Off on Justification by Faith Alone—Works

Around the Horn (May 9)

Do you Practice? "There is little we are called to in life that is purely intuitive. There is little that truly matters to our lives, yet comes to us innately. To the contrary, almost everything

By |May 9th, 2024|Around the Horn, Blog|Comments Off on Around the Horn (May 9)