The Splendor of His Queen
In this post, David Mathis draws upon both Old and New Testaments to show how the church reveals the mystery of Christ and his splendor.
The Universal Experiences of Preachers
“There are at least a couple handfuls of what I call “the universal experiences of preachers.” And having read dozens of homiletics books as a trainer of preachers, this collection has only been augmented and underlined. Somehow seeing these experiences in print, written by men I’ve never met, confirms the universality of what a preacher encounters in his work: some of it wonderful, some of it ugly, some a privilege, some a burden.”
A Deadly Foe of Spiritual Growth
“As we live out the Christian life and cooperate with the Holy Spirit through the precious means of grace, we face a number of foes, a number of enemies that mean to derail us from our pursuit of God. Of all those enemies, none may be more prevalent and none more deadly than complacency.”