Around the Horn (June 15)

How Spurgeon Got His Congregation

“By the time of his death, the membership at his church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle, was over 5,300. But as gifted as Spurgeon was, it’d be wrong to think the thousands who joined his church were all converted through his evangelistic preaching. Instead, he gave credit to his congregation.“

Confessions of Faith and the Baptist Tradition

“One of the most frequently-cited arguments against Baptists standards of doctrine and practice is that Baptists have historically opposed confessions of faith. This anti-confessional argument has been occasionally used by Baptist leaders over the centuries, but it is a false argument.”

The Role of the Intellect in Loving God

“In the 1820s in Kentucky, a fiery debate emerged between Baptists over the issue of missions. Neither side opposed the idea of missions, for nearly all Baptists in the state at that time believed the Bible instructed Christians to go out and proclaim Christ among those who had never heard the gospel. Specifically, the opposition in this dispute took offence at the way educated elites from New England had targeted Kentucky and other rural western locales for mission work. Many Kentucky Baptists did not believe they needed what these “Yankees” had to offer and despised the haughty superiority and unabashed “money-begging” that often accompanied missionaries from New England.”

By |June 15th, 2023|Categories: Blog|

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