Play Ball! (Like a Christian)
In this post, author, Michael Betrus writes, “The gospel changes the way we interact with the world as athletes because it provides a higher and more glorious passion.”
The Indispensable Lives of Ordinary Christians
In Christ your life matters always. Greg Morse offers this reminder, “Dear Christian, even timid, lackluster, unimpressive Neville plays his part, a vital part, in the end. And if you pass your days with a sigh and suspicion that even in Christ you don’t much matter, be comforted by one word: indispensable. “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you,’” Paul writes to the church in Corinth.”
If God is Not Sovereign. . .
“As we speak of God’s sovereignty we have to ensure that we do not speak of it only theoretically, that we do not relegate it purely to the realm of the intellectual, for it is no mere abstract doctrine but one that is sweet and precious and ought to be close to the heart of every Christian. This is a doctrine that gives us hope in every sorrow, that lends meaning to every pain, that gives confidence in every circumstance.”