Stop Domesticating God
Speaking about Genesis 1:28, Brianna Lambert writes, “One way humans can follow this command is by using the plants in the soil and the beasts on the land. We are meant to domesticate and use the earth. Yet just as Adam and Eve used their position to attempt to take from God’s glory, we can be tempted to do the same. Instead of exercising dominion over the created earth, too often we attempt to domesticate God himself.”
The Silent Sin That Kills Christian Love
In this post Trevin Wax argues that the silent sin is the “. . . sin of contempt, of looking at the person across the aisle from you and thinking, The world would be better without you in it. It’s more than disagreement; it’s disgust, rooted in the inability to see the image of God in your opponent.”
Christ Is Sovereign Over Your Cubicle
This post reminds us that if “. . . God is truly sovereign over all things, including your work, and if work is fulfillment of God’s mandate, then your work is never meaningless or just something you do to make money.”