The Problem of Gospel-less Gospel-Centered Sermons
In this post, J.A. Medders notes, “My great concern is that while our generation has grown in preaching and teaching in a gospel-centered way, we are forgetting the whole gospel in the process. I fear we are losing and assuming the gospel in our attempts to be gospel-centered. We must realize the difference between preaching the effects and empowerments of the gospel and preaching the actual gospel event.“
Entitlement is the Enemy of Worship
An attitude of entitlement destroys worship because it rejects the proper relationship one has with God. The author writes, “Many times we approach God like we do an employer. We come not broken and indebted but rather anxious and annoyed at him. Why? Well because we feel he’s failing us. We come to collect our paycheck for service rendered and it’s late or unavailable. We feel we’ve done our part better than most but when we need him he’s not there.”
Four Ways to Preach Like Jesus
Here, Alistair Begs offers four ways our preaching can be a confrontational and yet hope as Christ’s preaching.