Expect Great Things of God, and Leave the Results to Him
“If the object of our faith is a genie God who grants us our wishes, or a handcuffed or impoverished God who no longer does the miraculous, then our faith is not in the true God revealed in Scripture. The solution to both blind optimism and blind pessimism is the same: to learn to see God at work wherever we suppose He isn’t”
Pastor, Don’t Give Them an Unrealistic Christianity
“Good sermons, quiet times, and conversations with fellow believers excite and encourage us in the moment. But applying a sermon on Monday morning is difficult. Living in light of what you read at 7:00 a.m. can be difficult by 8:00 a.m. The joy of fellowship can give way to the frustration of isolation when you hang up the phone or part ways in the coffee shop parking lot.”
What Is the Goal of Parenting?
“So, what is the goal of parenting? The answer to this question is going to define how you approach the task. Your daily decisions will largely be determined by what you identify as the answer. If your goal is to survive the day, then your parenting style will reflect that. You will likely be inconsistent and erratic. If your goal is personal comfort and convenience, then your parenting philosophy will reflect that. You will likely rely on digital screens and other means of appeasement and get irritable when your children interrupt your plans.”