Around the Horn (February 24)

Bold Pastors Shape Bold Churches

“Since 2020, I’ve attended many ministerial meetings where the conversation focused on the struggles we’ve all faced since the pandemic started. Time and again, our discussions circled how stressful and difficult these last couple of years have been for pastors. Sometimes it’s felt to me like a collective wound licking—we’re shocked at the hardships. Brothers, if we’re blindsided by struggle, affliction, or persecution, that’s on us. The Word of God is clear that struggles will come. Though we do have true joy in Jesus, affliction is synonymous with being his disciple. Have we embraced the biblical call to take up our cross as we follow Christ (Luke 9:23)? If not, we’ve been deluding ourselves into thinking that the pastoral call would be a life of comfort, affluence, and ease. It’s easy to do.”

The Information Superhighway is a Dead End

“We can access endless amounts of information online, and that’s great! We can even come to know that information so that maybe we don’t have to access online anymore. But knowledge and information are not synonymous. The information superhighway of the internet cannot lead to wisdom because it doesn’t even lead to true knowledge, which is the foundation for wisdom.”

Spurgeon and the Doctrine of Scripture

“We are walkers through the city of this world, and we are often called to go out into its darkness; let us never venture there without the light-giving word, lest we slip with our feet. Each man should use the word of God personally, practically, and habitually, that he may see his way and see what lies in it. When darkness settles down upon all around me, the word of the Lord, like a flaming torch, reveals my way.”

By |February 23rd, 2022|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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