Recreational Youth Baseball: What it is, What it isn’t, and How to Enjoy it
“Recreational baseball is not about “program building.” It’s about building young boys and young men — building integrity, character, and a proper competitive spirit that will help children later in life. And all the while those boys are having fun while doing it.”
Perkins’ Principles for Preaching Christ
“The heart of the matter is this: Preach one Christ, by Christ, to the praise of Christ.” These words were written by the great Puritan William Perkins (1558-1602) as his summary of the task of preaching.”
A Call for Theological Humility
“Humility teaches us to navigate life with sensitivity to the distinction between what we don’t know and what we don’t know that we don’t know. This encourages us to engage in theological disagreement with careful listening, a willingness to learn, and openness to receiving new information or adjusting our perspective. Pride makes us stagnant; humility makes us nimble.”