A Homiletic of Help: How Love Writes a Sermon
“If you rush into the what of preaching without reminding yourself of the why, my guess is that your sermon will show it and your people will know it. There is a far more important and foundational homiletic question to ask before you put pen to paper on your outline, your exegesis, or your conclusion. Even if you’ve got the meaning of the text deftly in hand, you must not rush to preach without this answer in the other.”
Ten Words for a Broken Society (#9: No False Witness)
Over the last couple of weeks Bruce Ashford has published a series of posts on the Ten Commandments. This post covers the ninth commandment, and talks about how the command to not bear false witness is as needed as ever.
Technology Cannot Replace Presence
“The superiority of physical presence is so obvious that it seems strange even to argue for it. Who would be so perverse as to prefer a text message from our beloved to having dinner with her at our favorite restaurant? Or who would choose a phone call with our mother over the joy of a warm embrace and a leisurely conversation? But we are strange and perverse creatures, with a long track record of choosing lesser joys over greater ones. As a result, we not only deny ourselves those greater possibilities, but in favoring lesser realities, we end up distorting and spoiling them.”