The Fear and Trembling of John Knox
“Indeed, Knox did not rush into Gospel ministry. He was a man that not only trembled before God, but hesitated to preach. While some may charge like a bull into the ministry, Knox, like Moses, was more like a stubborn mule who needed to be dragged into his calling. But once he got going and was fully thrust into pastoral ministry, there was little that could hold him back.”
Do You Insult Your Savior’s Bride? What Jesus Thinks of His Church
“One way professing Christians betray a small, thin, and weak vision of the risen Christ is by dumping on “the church.” They might speak flippantly of what “the church” doesn’t get. Or what “the church” does wrong. Or the problem with “the church” in our day. They claim to know better than “the church.” If only they could fix “the church.” Having become concerned about an oversight, error, or danger they see in some Christians or churches, they’ve become careless with their words about the church — and particularly so when we consider what Christ himself says about her.”
Impatience is a War for Control
“Impatience is a child of our pride and unbelief. It rises out of our frustration that we do not control what happens and when in our lives.”