I’m Not All That Awesome
Tim Challies begins this brief blog post writing, “It must be difficult to live out the gospel of self-esteem, the “gospel” that insists I’m nothing short of awesome. It is, however, delightful to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ that insists that I’m not all that awesome and don’t need to be.”
Stop Reading the Bible Like a Narcissist
In this post, Casey McCall argues that watching the sitcom The Office reveals something to avoid when reading the Bible.
Giving Has a Boomerang Effect
Here Randy Alcorn notes, “In some cases God’s extra provision is obvious—we get an unexpected check in the mail or are given something we thought we’d have to buy. One time Nanci and I discovered an error we’d made in our bank balance, finding we had significantly more money than we realized. In other cases, God’s provision is less obvious but equally generous.”