How the Gospel Should Shape Our Political Posture
“Despite the temptation to answer antagonistic political opponents according to the same measure of their willingness to malign and misrepresent us, as gospel-changed people we must conduct ourselves in the more excellent way of love to which Paul calls us (1 Cor. 12:31). In pursuit of helping Christians consider this more excellent way of engaging the public square, we propose three diagnostic questions to help us identify the primary issues that underlie our responses.”
Explainer: The Tulsa Race Massacre and Baptists’ Divided Response
Historian and Professor Dr. Brent Aucoin offers this explainer of one of the darkness moments in the history American race relations and the Baptist response. The Tulsa Massacre took place 100 years ago this year.
Bored to Death
In this Screwtape-like post, Greg Morse outlines the danger of distracted, nothing-doing. He argues that it is a ploy of the enemy.