Why Didn’t My Pastor Tell Me About That?
In this post, Dr. Micheal Kruger is honest about some of the interactions he has with students. He notes a question he gets asked most often, “Why didn’t my pastor tell me about that? Lurking behind this question is the concern that perhaps they haven’t been given the whole story. Perhaps their pastor (and the Christian church in general) has been holding things back in order to not upset their faith. Maybe all they’ve ever heard is one version—a sanitized, idealistic version—of the Christian faith. And, this concern is often partly true. Of course, this doesn’t mean that most churches are intentionally hiding the difficult parts of the Bible. That may happen on rare occasion, but I don’t think that characterizes the average evangelical church. But it does mean that many churches offer a rather light diet of Christian theology, teaching, and biblical instruction.”
Trusting God for Our Children’s Safety
It is right for parent to protect their children, but it is wrong for that desire to take precedent over everything else. There is a point where parents need to trust and send, not protect and shield.
The Wilderness Way
“Have you ever wondered why God appears cruel at times? When He withholds something good or allows something painful, we run up against the walls that simple religion builds to keep us complacent and safe within the manicured yards of our expectations. Outside lies the wilderness – the adventure that awaits beyond the bounds of safety and simple answers. It is in the wilderness that we discover who we were meant to be, and encounter a God who is much wilder, much bigger, and much more glorious than we could ever imagine.”