The Resurrection’s Higher Math
In this post, Jared Wilson uses Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees as a jumping off point to show that the evidence of the resurrection is all over the Scripture. He writes, “Jesus is using the Sadducees’ own source text to show them that the signs of resurrection are everywhere in it. See, in their question the Sadducees are showing all their work. They’ve come up with a predicament that’s logical. They think it’s a stumper. But they’ve forgotten the central equation: Christ is better than the law and the law cannot account for the eternal kind of life (Romans 8:2; 2 Corinthians 3; Galatians 3:1-6; Hebrews 7).”
How to Build Up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members
The latest edition of IX Marks journal is out, and it is full of articles to help church members think biblically about supporting their church. It will be worth anyone’s time to peruse.
Easter Fear is Natural
In this insightful article for Christianity Today, Russell Moore notes, “The resurrection of Jesus does indeed destroy fear, pulling us out of slavery from the fear of death (Heb. 2:14–15). But that freedom from fear does not come the way we usually pursue it, through denial and the illusion of immortality. On the contrary, to see fully the glory and mystery of the resurrection of Jesus, we must feel the just sentence of our own deaths, the inevitability, apart from him, of our own demise. The Resurrection shows us our lives hidden in Christ, which means that on our own, we are the walking dead. The Resurrection means we follow Jesus where he went, toward where he is. “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me,” Jesus said (Mark 8:34, NIV). Easter is not the end of our carrying our crosses but the beginning.”
In Honor of Opening Day
Major League Baseball’s opening day is today. Here are a couple of articles from the archives that highlight the virtue of America’s pastime.