Around the Horn (March 4)

Use Thankfulness as a Weapon Against Sin

In this post Casey McCall notes how sin is an act of coveting, wanting something you think you are owed or deserve. Thankfulness helps to fight the distorting entitlement attitude.

Warfield: 100 Years Later

This post opens, “On December 24, 1920 Benjamin B. Warfield fell ill after being struck with angina pectoris. He died on February 16, 1921. Why should we pause this week to remember a Princeton theologian who has been with the Lord for one hundred years? Perhaps Isaac Newton’s reason is enough, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Warfield was a giant. Let me remind you of his stature with an example that hits close to home.”

Social Algorithms Are Today’s “Lady Folly”

Here Brett McCracken draws upon A. W. Tozer to illustrate the folly of modern distraction. He warns to not let the sweet lips of this folly lead us to live uncommitted lives.

By |March 4th, 2021|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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