Amusing Ourselves to Death: Revisiting the Prophetic Work of Neil Postman
Referencing Neil Postman’s prophetic work, in this post, Casey Chalk notes, “Thirty-five years ago, New York University professor of communications Neil Postman predicted the political and social implosion we have witnessed in 2020. We must learn to dominate digital media technology, lest it dominate us. Otherwise, we may very well amuse ourselves, and our polis, to death.”
How Did You See That? A Case for Scripture Saturation
Reading other literature or resources is no substitute for the constant, consistent reading of Scripture for the preacher. As David Schrock argues, “Good preachers don’t just know and use the good commentaries. They have good biblical instincts; instincts that come from reading, re-reading, studying, discussing, and sitting under God’s Word. Certainly, this means reading good books, but it also means reading the Good Book. A. LOT.”
13 Marks of Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s Preaching according to J.I. Packer
At a conference years ago that you probably never knew took place, J.I. Packer was asked what made Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s preaching so great. He identified thirteen aspects.