Prioritize Church, Even When There’s No Childcare
Keeping your children in worship with you may be trying for some, and it may seem easy to just stay home and “watch online;” however, as this post notes, “if we only prioritize corporate worship when it’s convenient, our children will learn to do the same. We’re training our children in their own worship of God by the way we worship during this really difficult season. We have a unique opportunity to teach our children about the importance of corporate worship. Let’s not waste it.”
Are Christians More Confident in Politics Than in Christ?
Which is more certain, the future of Christ’s Kingdom, or your political preferences? If you answer the former, are you truly living in light of that reality? How does that reality shape how you behave when you discuss the latter?
When Looking for a Church, Beware the “Right Fit”
“Why do we place so much value on finding people our own age or people who share our social preferences? On one level, such predispositions are natural. College students are naturally drawn toward other college students. Families with children find it easy to mix with other families who have children. None of this is wrong, but the gospel brings people together not on the basis of natural and intuitive networks but on the basis of the supernatural work of God’s Spirit.”