How Should Christians View Safety?
“For the Christian, safety is never our highest goal. And for those seeking to take the gospel to the people/language groups that still have no church among them, safety is a distant luxury they died to long-ago. It’s been said many times but bears repeating: the final 3,100 language groups with no church among them are not random in their disbursement—they are especially located in the most difficult and unsafe locations in the world. That’s why they are still unreached. While there is much that we can and should do to prepare our future ambassadors to reach those peoples, there will always be a strong element of risk involved. Not foolish or unwise risk, or risk for personal glory, but inherent, unavoidable, God-honoring risk to do the task the Master has laid before them.”
Preaching the Tone of the Text
In this post, H. B. Charles notes, “Having discovered the message of the text, the preacher should then build his sermon on this biblical truth. Yet the preacher must be careful not to abandon the truth in the journey from text to sermon. A key way to guard from selling-out the truth in the pulpit is to preach the tone of the text, as well as the truth. Every text has a central truth. And every text has a natural tone. To discover the truth of the text is to discover the tone of the text. Some passages teach doctrine. Others offer comfort. There are passages that state commands. Still others give issue warnings. Some passages encourage the weary soldier to fight on, while others rebuke the wayward traveler for going the wrong way.”
Don’t Just Preach about Christ. Preach Christ!
“Preachers can actually aid and abet an impersonal knowledge of Jesus by preaching about Christ while not actually preaching Christ. They present his Facebook page rather than personally introducing people to Jesus,” remarks Murray Capill. Preaching that way is contrary the biblical call to preach.