How Church History will help you Defend the Faith
In this post, Michael Haykin notes, “The early centuries of the church saw Christianity threatened by a number of theological heresies: Gnosticism, Arianism, and Pelagianism, to name but three. While history never repeats itself exactly, the essence of many of these heresies has reappeared from time to time in the long history of Christianity. For instance, postmodernity’s interest in spirituality, though it rages against Christianity, has numerous similarities to the lengthy battle against Gnosticism that occupied the church during the second and third centuries. Knowledge of the way that Christians in the past defended the faith against Gnosticism would provide helpful ways of responding to postmodern spirituality today.”
A Workout for your Patience Muscle
Turning to Genesis 16:1-6, David Murray uses Abraham as a way to encourage us to fight the sin of impatience, something we all struggle with from time to time.
The Power of Double Listening
During his ministry John Stott came to the realization that he needed to connect two worlds, the world of the Scripture and the present world. This connection meant he needed to practice “double listening.” “Double listening enables us to connect the gospel to people’s deepest longings.“