Handling Trail; Rebuking Pride
“We can learn from the Puritans that we need affliction to humble us (Deut. 8:2), to teach us what sin is (Zeph. 1:12), and to bring us to God (Hosea 5:15). “Affliction is the diamond dust that heaven polishes its jewels with,” wrote Robert Leighton. . . . Let your hardships move you to walk by faith, and wean you from the world.”
Recovering Tolerance as a Christian Virtue
With the redefinition of tolerance in recent years, Christians have found it difficult to speak about tolerance in a meaningfully effective way. Yet, tolerance, properly understood, is a Christian virtue needed in society.
Your Weird, Messy Church is God’s “Plan A”
As Jared Wilson notes in this post, the weird collective of people who sit around you on Sunday morning is the church that was founded upon the weird rock, Peter, and all the weirdness is okay.