How Does COVID-19 Expose the Lie of the Prosperity Gospel?
In this post, Conrad Mbewe asks why all the preachers of the so-called prosperity gospel seem to have fallen so silent in the face of COVID-19. The answer, he argues, is clear.
A Life and Death Decision
“The fork in the road Moses pointed out to the nation of Israel is a decision every person must make for himself. Not just those present, not just those in the future of the nation Israel, but in a real sense every person who ever lives must choose between life or death. Everyone must choose. To not choose, is to make a choice.” What will you choose?
How We Got the Bible
The abstract of the this helpful article states, “Behind the storyline of Scripture is the story of how God, in his providence, gave his words to us. When God spoke, he ensured that it would be preserved through a process of writing, collecting, copying, translating, and printing. After thousands of years, the Scripture that began with the breath of God now comes to us in the Book that is worthy of our supreme trust.” Reading beyond the abstract is well worth your time.