Image courtesy of Wave 3 News
One thing has been clear in Governor Andy Beshear’s response to the COVID-19 crisis: he has been proactive and committed to erring on the side of caution. He has been one of the quicker governors to act in closing non-essential businesses and activities. Beshear has been applauded as a leader in the movement to flatten the curve.
Recently (3-22-20), Governor Beshear closed “all in-person retail businesses that are not life sustaining.” The only businesses permitted to stay open are “life-sustaining” businesses, such as “grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, hardware stores, gas stations, and other businesses that provide staple goods.”
The following day (3-23-20), Governor Beshear “signed an executive order to cease all elective medical procedures. He previously recommended ceasing them, but “additional action was necessary since some groups did not follow the original guidance.” The executive order goes on to mandate that the only procedures permitted would be those that, if not provided within 24 hours to 30 days, would result in serious or irreparable harm to the patient. Further guidance for medical personnel is to ask this question retrospectively: would the procedure still be deemed necessary if the patient (or close contact) were to become infected by COVID-19 as a result?
No matter one’s views on the forced closures, no one can suggest that the governor of Kentucky has not taken the threat of COVID-19 seriously and has not been willing to act swiftly upon those concerns. It also seems that Governor Beshear, for the most part, has been an equal opportunity closer of businesses and activities in the name of public safety.
But there is one glaring and appalling exception to these sweeping closures: the EMW Women’s Surgical Center, which is a sanitized name for an abortion clinic. According to their website, the EMW abortion clinic is still “Open and seeing patients.” Why would this one business that deals in the ending of the lives of babies in the womb be exempt from the Governor’s guidelines?
The Governor’s order specifically eliminates everything from nail salons and knee replacements, to teeth cleaning, but permits elective abortions? Governor Beshear, is this an oversight? If so, please rectify it immediately. If it is not an oversight, are you so committed to ending the lives of babies in the womb that you refuse to close the abortion clinic in spite of the danger of spreading COVID-19? You have told us to do our part. Will you do yours and stop these elective abortions during this COVID-19 crisis?
If there is anyone who could rightly be described as #HealthyatHome, it is the mom and baby in her womb who don’t end up at the abortion clinic. C’mon, Governor Beshear, at least be consistent for #TeamKentucky. I can guarantee that is one closure that will save lives.
Yes I defentily say that all abortion clinic s needs closed for good in order to save lives. They are human
Thank you for your out spoken word.God is in the saving business where is our govenor, is his head in the sand
Thank you, Pastor David!!!