Reading without Seeing: How Not to Study the Bible
“Imagine taking an interest in your ancestry, creating a family tree, and learning all about your great-grandparents. You know their birthplace, their history, where they worked, how they met, and so on. Now imagine that they walk into your kitchen as you sit down to eat dinner, but you don’t recognize them. You don’t hop off your seat with excitement to hug them. This only begins to capture how crazy it is for us to read the Scriptures and miss Christ.”
The Only Valentine’s Day Advice You Need
As Valentine’s Day approaches and the talk of love is in the air, questions remain. What is love? Once it’s defined, what does it look like? This post by Paul Tripp answers both these questions in a helpful way.
Not Every Thing is as Important as the Next Thing: John Calvin on Theological Triage
In this article, Jonathan Woodyard leans on John Calvin to help today’s church wade into disagreement. Two words may help guide the way: “necessary” and “disputed.”