But that is Just Your Interpretation!
In this article for Themelios journal, D.A. Carson discusses the foolishness of believing the lie that all interpretations are equally valid. He writes, ““But that’s just your interpretation”: well, yes, it is my interpretation. Whose else could it possibly be? But in today’s climate, the question is not designed to offer a superior or better-warranted interpretation, but to relativize all interpretations. And that plea for imperious ignorance must not be allowed to stand. It is, finally, incoherent and idolatrous.”
A New Way of Seeing Theological Triage
Leaning upon the helpful thinking of Albert Mohler regarding the various levels of significance for theological issues (what he calls theological triage), Dan DeWitt offers a slight adjustment to Mohler’s line of thinking that may be helpful for its application.
Lessons from a Genealogy: Expect the Unexpected Birth!
Most are familiar with some of the significance of the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, but as Jesse Johnson notes in this post, Jesus’ genealogy is much richer than at first glance.