Around the Horn (November 14)

J. I. Packer on Preaching and Listening to Sermons

This post is a brief excerpt for Leland Rankin’s work on J.I. Packer, J. I. Packer: An Evangelical Life. In it, he discusses Packer’s experience as a listener of sermons and how it shaped his preacher later.

Humility Was His Secret Strength

In this biographical sketch, John Piper talks about the humility of Charles Simeon and how Simeon’s humility led him through challenges in ministry.

Your Unfulfilled Desires are a Treasury, Not a Tragedy

Here Tyler Greene notes, “In the end, we must accept that there are times when God chooses not to fulfill our desires. Yet we must recognize that such times, though difficult, are sovereignly orchestrated opportunities out of which we are being called to “bear more fruit” for the kingdom of God (Jn. 15:2).” What can we learn about this truth and unfulfilled desires from God’s refusal to allow Moses to enter to Promise Land?


By |November 14th, 2019|Categories: Around the Horn|

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