12 Reasons to Commit to Expository Preaching
Jason K. Allen notes, “Expository preaching is to rightly interpret and explain the text, in its context, and to bring the text to bear upon the lives of the congregants. This should be the preacher’s standard approach to the pulpit. Granted, bad sermons come in all forms, including expository, but I’m convinced biblical exposition is the healthiest and most faithful form of preaching.” Then, he lists 12 compelling reasons for his belief.
In this brief post, Jeff Iorg (President of Gateway Seminary) questions the criteria we set for “influencers.” He suggests that character should be the driving factor for those we allow to influence us.
We Yawn Because We Forget: Uncovering the Wonder of Christ
Here, Marshall Segal asks, “When was the last time you were mesmerized by Jesus?” Has it been a while? Segal assures us, “If he does not captivate us anymore, it is not because he lacks anything.” He challenges to once again remember who Christ is.