Around the Horn (March 7)

God Set His Sermons on Fire

In this article, John Piper highlights the God-ordained power behind the character and preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Piper explains that Lloyd-Jones challenged both the stuffy intellectualism and entertainment mentalities of his day with strong biblical truth.

One Improvement 

Preacher, are you guilty of challenging people to have greater faith while doing paltry little to magnify the object of the faith to which you are calling them? In this post, Peter Meade challenges preachers to rethink how they encourage faith.

Five Confessions of a Preacher

Sometimes preachers put up a facade so that hearers can’t see the struggles preachers have. Yet, there are certain things with which all preachers can struggle. This post shares five areas preachers need to guard against.



By |March 6th, 2019|Categories: Around the Horn|

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