The Power of the Gospel and the Meltdown of Identity Politics
In this article, Albert Mohler argues that the wave of identity politics so prevalent today results in the distortion of humanity. Both right and left can be guilty of viewing each other only in terms of the identity they place on the other. The solution? The gospel.
Pick Up Your Cross, Not Your Political Pitchfork: How to be Friends with Different View Points
What if instead of always seeking to be right we humbled ourselves in political debate? What if we viewed those we disagree with as image bearers rather than enemies? These are some of the things that Kristen Nave seeks to answer in this post.
Preaching for Change with Tenderness and Compassion
In this post, Craig Thompson challenges preachers to think about the nature of how they communicate. Looking at different examples like the Samatarian women, Thompson shows that Jesus perfectly modeled compassion without permissiveness.