Pride and the Preacher
Preaching has the potential to promote a sense of pride in the preacher. Preachers can often hear praises from their hearers and can be viewed as the people with all the answers. The way pride can creep into the preacher’s heart can be avoided if he knows some of the triggers. This post points out things that can contribute to pridefulness.
Beginning with the End
It’s always good to know where you are going when you begin a journey. In this article for Facts and Trends, Matt Henslee argues the same is true for a sermon. He shares how crafting the conclusion of his sermon early in the preparation process transformed his preaching.
Pastor, Know Your People
In this video, Kevin Smith, argues that pastors are more effective preachers when they not only exegete the biblical text but exegete and know their congregations and community. He believes there is biblical warrant for this approach.
Thanks for the share, brother.