Around the Horn (August 2)

The Character of Martin Lloyd-Jones’ Preaching Ministry

Martin Lloyd-Jones is a revered preacher. His ministry still has an impact today. Why? What made his preaching so notable? Why did his preaching stand out when the preaching of others faded away? What can we learn from the characteristics of his preaching ministry? In this post, Joshua Mills helps us see key components that made Lloyd-Jones so effective.

Does your church still have an apostolic passion?

Proclaiming Christ where he has yet to be proclaimed. According to Keelan Cook that is the heart of the apostolic passion. Sadly, he notes, many churches never had or have lost that passion. Yet, it is a passion that can be recovered.

The College World Series and the Countercultural Church

Walking into a stadium not wearing the home colors can be an interesting experience, especially depending on the stadium. Yet, it is an experience that is relatable to the countercultural experience that Christians have when they daily walk out into a world in which they are strangers.



By |August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Around the Horn|

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