Around the Horn (June 28)

The Most Damaging Attitude in Our Churches

Perhaps we are guilty of it and don’t even realized it. We think we are offering “constructive” criticism, yet what we are actually doing is engaging in cynicism. Like any other attitude that is less than God-honoring, cynicism has the potential to damage Christ’s bride, the church. This article points out how it subtlely creeps in, and ways to recognize it.

Keeping the Faith in a Faithless Age

As Al Mohler points out in this article, our culture is shifting rapidly. Once the foundational voice of our society, Judeo-Christian teaching is being pushed to the fringes and at best only tolerated. How is the church to remain faithful in this shifting tide? Mohler argues it is through a new role with an old call.

Hidden Idols: Unseating the Idol of Pride 

In this piece, Hershael York makes a clear case for the dangers of pride, particularly the danger that seminary poses in regard to pride. While seminary is not the cause of pride it can be an environment where pride is cultivated. That is why he believes it is vital for seminary students, and all others, to fight to kill this insidious sin with the truth of the Scriptures.



By |June 28th, 2018|Categories: Around the Horn|

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