Around the Horn (May 24)

The Wrath of God Poured Out: The Humiliation of the Southern Baptist Convention

The last several weeks have been humiliating for the Southern Baptist Convention. There has been scandal followed by scandal. The scandals have come from some of the top positions in the Convention down to the local churches, and Al Mohler believes the humiliation is God’s judgment. Mohler argues the humiliation is God’ exposure of the moral compromise in the Convention and calls its members to their best in order to restore credibility.

Anointed Ministry: Myths and Seven Realities

While the idea of anointed preaching looks differently in various traditions there are some understandings of the idea that are clearly unbiblical. In this post, Peter Mead helps readers see, when understood improperly, the idea of anointing stems from heresy.

Parenting and Work: Helping our Children Gain a Sense of Belonging 

Each of us has questions of identity according to Russell Moore. We wonder, “Who am I?” and, “Where am I going?” Moore argues that the home and the church are essential contexts where those questions are answered for children. These contexts are essential because it is in these contexts where children first learn to serve and love others.


By |May 24th, 2018|Categories: Around the Horn|

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