How the Exodus Connects to Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
What does it mean to say, “Christians are called to live the exodus?” That is the question Andrew Wilson seeks to answer in this IX Marks article. He makes the case that the church’s ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper reenact important aspects of the exodus.
Only Messy People Allowed: Toward a Culture of Grace
If we are overly concerned with how we are perceived by others in our worst moments perhaps we fail to grasp grace truly. That is Sam Allberry’s point in this article. Christians are not Jesus’ PR agents, he argues. The role of the believer is not to make Jesus look good. Rather, we should be open in our struggles to show Jesus’ sufficiency.
Five Ways Pastors Can Prepare Their Churches for Suffering
No church is immune to suffering. Hence, no pastor is immune to leading the congregation through suffering. Suffering will come in this fallen and broken world, yet Dave Furman argues there are practices that pastors can engage in now that will bear fruit when suffering comes.