Around the Horn (February 15)

Growing Old Graciously

In this article,  Jared C. Wilson discusses what it takes to age graciously in ministry.  From ministering to the next generation of leaders to finishing strong with integrity, Wilson lays out steps for finishing the race in a way that is God-honoring.

How the Gospel Shapes Our Children for Missions

What if your children were given to you for a very specific purpose, and that purpose had nothing to do with you? If you are follower a Jesus then you are on mission. If you are on mission, then that should shape the way you parent. As J.D. Greear points out, raising your children with the mission in mind requires a gospel-saturated home that has the support of the body of Christ.

Do You Have to Join a Church to Be a Christian?

The Bible makes no mention of church membership being a requirement for salvation. So, what do we do with people that claim to be Christians yet intentionally reject participation in the local church? In the article, Jeff Robinson walks through the implications of rejecting church membership.


By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Around the Horn|

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