Around the Horn (February 1)

Should You Quit?

In this helpful article, Russell Moore offers wisdom for those that may be on the verge of giving up. He applies the wisdom beyond the vocational realm. Leaning on insights from author Seth Godin, Moore believes that understanding when to quit has application for ministry and serving the body of Christ. It can give us a clear picture of our spiritual gifts and how best to use them.

Public Faith: How to Share the Hope you Have in Christ

Being open with your faith can be difficult. As our culture becomes increasingly secular there will be more pressure on followers of Christ to keep their faith private. In this article, Tim Keller argues that believers must resist the pressure and be public with their faith. He demonstrates scripturally why believers should be public with their faith and offers an effective way of going public.

The Dangers of Echo Chamber Leadership

As a leader, surrounding yourself with people that only agree with you can be harmful. It is a temptation for every leader, including church leaders. Thom Rainer wants leaders to avoid this danger. To that end, Rainer discusses several key ideas that help guard against living in an echo chamber.



By |February 1st, 2018|Categories: Around the Horn|

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