Around the Horn (January 25)

The Therapeutic Gospel

In this article, David Powlison exposes the dangers of a therapeutic gospel. Powlison argues that the therapeutic gospel is only meant to meet felts needs and wants. Rather than meeting wants, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is transformative. The true Gospel transforms our wants in line with Christ-likeness.

Why seminary can never qualify anyone for ministry

While seminary can play an important role in ministry preparation, it is not the church. As Hershael York points out, ministry training happens best under the watchful care of a local body of believers. Ordination, then, is a much more accurate assessment of ministry readiness.

Adoption, Foster Care Commonplace in Churches

Lifeway Research recently conducted and released the results of a study concerning the level engagement with adoption and foster care among 1,010 Protestant and nondenominational churches. The study found that for many churches engaging the issue of adoption and foster care is common; however, it seems there are still opportunities for improved participation in both fostering and adoption.


By |January 25th, 2018|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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