“There is such a thing as partiality to men, as observed before, with respect to the points in which they and their Maker are at variance; leaning to those notions that represent their sin as comparatively little, and their repentance and obedience as a balance against it; speaking smooth things, and affording intimations that, without an atonement, nay, even without repentance in this life, all will be well at last.
But if it should prove that God is wholly in the right, and man wholly in the wrong—that sin is exceedingly sinful—that we all deserve to be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord—and that, if we be not interested in the atonement of Christ, this punishment must actually take place; if these things, I say, should at last prove true, then all such notions as have flattered the pride of men, and cherished their presumption, instead of being honoured with the epithets of liberal and benevolent, will be called by very different names.
The princes and people of Judah would, doubtless, be apt to think the sentiments taught by Hananiah, who prophesied smooth things concerning them, much more benevolent and liberal than those of Jeremiah, who generally came with heavy tidings; yet true benevolence existed only in the latter. Whether the complexion of the whole system of our opponents do not resemble that of the false prophets, who prophesied smooth things, and healed the hurt of the daughter of Israel slightly, crying. Peace, peace, when there was no peace; and whether their objections to our views of things be not the same for substance as might have been made to the true prophets; let all who wish to know the truth, however ungrateful it may be to flesh and blood, decide.”
Excerpt From “The Calvinistic and Socinian Systems Examined and Compared”, 1802
Fuller, Andrew, The Works of Andrew Fuller. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2007.