Around the Horn (October 19)

The Reformation Is Not Just a White Man’s Legacy – Mika Edmondson

Does the Reformation have anything to say to the racial and economic injustices we see in America today? Mika Edmondson writes powerfully to remind us of the key doctrine in the Reformation of catholicity and offers five practical suggestions for churches to be more faithful to this key doctrine.

Terrible Grace in Terrible Headlines – Karen Swallow Prior

There is a lot of bad news out there. Karen Swallow Prior writes an encouraging post to remind us to avoid the temptation toward self-righteousness as we continue to see the terrible headlines unfold before us.

Sola Fide—A Doctrine To Be Beaten Into Your Head Continually – David Platt

Martin Luther called this doctrine the one by which the church stands or falls. David Platt offers a encouraging and helpful post on why Sola Fide is one worth dying for.


By |October 19th, 2017|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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