Can TED talks teach us how to preach? – David Murray
Can preachers really learn how to hone their craft by listening to TED talks? David Murray answers with an emphatic yes! Murray shares a key insight from a new book by the founder of TED Talks and how it relates to the craft of preaching.
Will a Happy Marriage Prevent an Affair? – Russell Moore
Often we assume that a lack of happiness is what causes an affair. But Dr. Russell Moore counters that even the happiest of marriages can be undone by an affair. How can this be? “The devil knows the way to take one down is not through a deficient spouse but through a deficient self.” Don’t miss this one.
Hospitality is not an optional ministry – David Schrock
Hospitality is often narrowed defined as things we do in our homes. But could it be more than that? David Schrock writes a helpful article on how we can expand our view of hospitality and begin to practice this ministry more faithfully.