We Need More ‘Parlour Preachers’ – Erik Raymond
Gleaning from the wisdom of 19th-century pastor and author Charles Bridges, Erik Raymond offers 9 ways that we can effectively bring God into our everyday conversations.
How to be a friend magnet – Christine Hoover
In our digital age, friendship is often shallow and short-lived. Christine Hoover shares a brief excerpt from her new book Messy Beautiful Friendship: Finding and Nurturing Deep and Lasting Relationships on how to make real friends.
The Most Important People In The Body Of Christ Are Probably Not On Twitter – Daniel Darling
The growth of social media has been so large in recent years, it’s easy to believe that everyone is on it. Daniel Darling helpfully reminds us that some of our most important people in the church are likely not on social media and that the real heroes of the Kingdom are not the social media stars with big platforms, but the average lay people who faithfully love, serve and give of their lives each and every week.