4 Things You Need To Fear If Your Spouse Is Low Maintenance – Scott Kedersha
Is your spouse low maintenance? Scott Kedersha shares some reflections as he listened to Dr. Russell Moore and also offers practical advice to serve your low maintenance spouse.
A Past. Redeemed. – IMB Video
This is a powerful video from the International Mission Board about a new missionary named Abuk. Abuk was a refugee to America and now she’s leaving America as a missionary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Abuk wants to change what we think about when we hear the word “refugee.”
God Uses Our Work—Even Cleaning Milk Off the Floor – Courtney Reissig
Courtney Reissig shares an excerpt from her new book and encourages all of us (including stay-at-home moms) to see our work as something that God can and is using to shape us—even if that work is mundane and ordinary.