Why Do We Give Up on Bible Reading? – Bryce Young
Why do we read our Bibles? It’s an important question to answer. Bryce Young helps us see through the lies of cynicism and self-doubt to help us delight in all of the Bible.
Smartphones and How They Change Us: An Interview with Alastair Roberts – Tony Reinke
Are our tools neutral? Do they exert any influence over us? Does our use of tools shape us? Read this fascinating (and long) interview with Alastair Roberts about how smartphones are changing us when we don’t even know it.
10 reasons taxpayers should defund Planned Parenthood – Joe Carter
Planned Parenthood should not receive federal dollars. Period. Joe Carter offers 10 reasons why in this helpful (and short) post. Read and then pray that God would move in the hearts of our leaders to defund this evil organization.